Yes! We proudly host websites for clients all over the world! While we only sell a limited number...
Do you limit the amount of mails I can send per hour?Yes, we do. The amount of mails sent per hour is limited to 500 per account. We do this to deter...
Do you offer domain registration services?Yes! You can register a domain with us when you sign up for new service or add on a new domain...
What do the hosting packages consist of?Each of our ecommerce website hosting plans come with everything that you need to get your online...
What is a "temporary URL"? What does it mean to build on a "temporary URL"?A temporary URL is the direct, unique IP web address assigned to all new websites. The temporary...
What method of payments do you accept?Wild Root Web currently accepts the following methods of payment for all services: VisaMaster...
Which payment processors can I use with the Boutique Store Builder?You can use the following payment processors with your basic, included Mals account: PayPal...
Will you transfer my current website over for me?Most likely, the answer is yes. If you are using a similar ecommerce software currently and would...