Great news Bizzy Mama! Our scheduled server migration was a complete success! All of our clients on Server 1 have been migrated to their new server without error.

Since this server migration came with an IP address change, some clients may need to take a few additional steps to ensure that everything continues to run smoothly. Many of you will notice no changes in service and will not need to do anything at all at this point. If you fall into one of the following categories of clients, please follow the directions provided to update the necessary settings, or simply open a support ticket and we can work with you to iron out any kinks.

1. If you are using the old IP address of your website instead of the direct URL in your Mal's setup.

    Q: How can I check if I am using the IP or URL? If I am using the IP, what should I do?

    A: Log into your Mal's account and click on the "cart setup" tab. Navigate to Customize/Return Link and in the "Your Website Address" field, are you using "" or ""? If you have your website URL, you will not need to make any changes at all. If you have the IP address, change it to: "". Be sure to save your changes and click around the rest of your setup to ensure that you have changed all references to the IP address to the new one (

2. If you are using the old IP address of your website instead of the direct URL in your Paypal setup.

    Q: How can I check if I am using the IP or URL? If I am using the IP, what should I do?

    A: Log into your Paypal account and navigate to My Account -> Profile -> My Selling Tools -> Selling Online -> Website Preferences -> Auto Return, and also My Account -> Profile -> My Selling Tools -> Selling Online -> Website Preferences -> Return URL, are you using "" or ""? If you have your website URL, you will not need to make any changes at all. If you have the IP address, change it to: "". Be sure to save your changes and click around the rest of your setup to ensure that you have changed all references to the IP address to the new one (

3. If you are currently building your site "behind the scenes" on a temporary URL.

    If you've been building on a temporary URL, you have a few options. Choose the one that will be meet your needs and get in touch so we can help you move forward:

    1. Bring the site "live"! Let's update you to the domain. Get in touch by support ticket to get the process started.

    2. Send over your store admin password so we can update the license code on the install to the new IP address. It's important to remember, the old IP's will no longer work after a few more days, and any  work that's done on the OLD IP will NOT transfer to the NEW site on the new server. In essence, this means that you have two temporary sites running right now, and you'll want to be sure that you are building on the right one! Get in touch with a member of our staff ASAP to get this resolved. Simply respond to this email to open a support ticket and get the process started.

Again, many of you will not need to make any changes at all. If you do notice any errors or problems that you feel may be related, let us know by initiating a support ticket request so we can take a look at it. For your reference and information, the new IP addresses for Bizzy Mama Hosting's Bizzy Server 1 are:

Nameserver 1 (Server 1):
Nameserver 2 (Server 1):

Thank you for entrusting us with your web hosting needs. We appreciate your business and hope to continue to provide you with excellent service well into the future. If you have any questions, simply reply to this email to auto-open a support ticket.

Wishing you all the best and ton of success,

Bizzy Mama Hosting Staff

Vasárnap, Január 5, 2014

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