Our scheduled server migration is currently in progress. During this time, you may notice intermediate downtime and/or a redirection page explaining that your site is being moved to a new server.

This process should only take a few hours at most, and then the site will stabilize as the migration is completed and the new IP resolves.

We appreciate your patience as we work to complete this exciting process.

Please contact us if you notice any errors or extended downtime following the completion of the process. At this time, the migration is still in progress and general website weirdness and some downtime should be expected. Thank you for understanding.

We will update this thread as necessary through the process.

Published at 1pm CST
edited 2:30p CST


The server migration is still in progress. Websites are being moved over in alphabetical order based on the first letter of your domain, A-Z. At this time, we are approximately half way through the process. Please check back for further updates. Thank you!


At this time the server migration is still in progress. Sites that have been successfully migrated should no longer being experiencing errors. Most errors have been reported during the 15-20 minutes it takes to migrate your site. Thank you for your continued patience while we work diligently to complete this process.


At this time the server migration has been successfully completed. Please contact us if you notice any errors or experience any downtime. Thank you!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

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